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Networking Meetings

CHECK OUT THE WEBINAR CALENDAR TO SEE WHAT GROUPS ARE MEETING ONLINE or IN PERSON. If your group is meeting in person, please let us know.

Meetings are business casual and cell phone friendly. Be sure to bring business cards to share.
There is NO CHARGE for participation in any of these groups unless noted.

Be sure to check out the groups in your here to go to the map of the groups listed below.

• The Accomplished Executive Forum is a group of senior leaders, entrepreneurs and executives in transition who are interested in meeting and networking with their peers. Our group meets weekly on Tuesday's via Zoom in Grapevine, Texas to discuss relevant business topics, trends, transition and support. Nationally known and local speakers present current and relevant topics that are geared toward personal and professional development. Some of these topics include: >Executive Transition Disciplines, Contacts & Skills >Reducing Time & Cost of Transition > Psychology of communication > Human Resource Hurdles > Impact of Generational Differences > Building High Performance Teams > Achieving greater profitability. Do you want to meet and build relationships with fellow senior leaders in your business community? Are you ready to make a commitment to enhancing your professional development? Contact us today if you think you might be a good fit for our leadership group. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 214-213-2882 or

•  All Saints Career Ministry (ASCM) exists to provide practical help and invaluable hope to those experiencing employment challenges and transitions. ASCM seeks to educate, equip, and encourage those in our community to hear God calling, maximize their career, and get the right job. Speakers on job search topics and support via Zoom most Wednesdays from noon to 1 pm. All Saints Catholic Church is located @ 5231 Meadowcreek Dr, Dallas TX. For more information or to get connected, contact: Tracy Voegtle — 972-778-0322, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Career and Financial Services (CFS) of Jewish Family Service (JFS), a nonprofit community agency serving the Greater Dallas community offers several different programs for the job seeker. For more information about any of the programs call 972-437-9950 extension 340 or visit

    • Confidential, one-on-one appointments with professional, caring Coaches are available by appointment, and provide individualized assistance to each client. For the time being, Coaching sessions are being conducted through confidential video chat sessions.
    • Free, weekly online job search skills and career training seminars are led by expert Coaches. Seminars have been designed to provide job seekers with effective adaptations they can implement in today’s shifting labor market. Topics include search and career strategies, interviewing, networking and resume strategies, among others.
    • Seminar information is available at
    •  Online, verified job leads are available at
    • Produced and posted by CFS Coaches, webinar and article tutorials that support career and financial success are available to view anytime at

 Career Care @ St. Andrew UMC - Directions: St. Andrew United Methodist Church, 1401 Mira Vista, Plano. Park on the east side of the campus, which is the Mira Vista street entrance, and park in the east lot next to Smith Worship Center, enter the East patio doors to room 131 registration/check-in table. 

  • First-Time guests Orientation: "Quick Start Your Job Search" @ St. Andrew UMC - If you are NEW to your job search and have recently attended, or you are planning to attend, the regular St Andrew CareerCare program on Mondays, then we invite you to come stay after the regular meeting and attend a special session after the regular 2pm online only meeting to "Quick Start your Job Search". No registration is needed, and it is also a free session. Content: Our volunteer will present "Quick Start your Job Search", an overview/orientation on how to develop and conduct a search from start to finish, including a resume template, registration for CareerCare job postings, and advice on interviewing, networking, etc. in a one hour "quick start" format.
  • Career Care Main Meeting @ St. Andrew UMC - Career Care is a weekly support group established to help individuals who are out of work, seeking job transition, needing career advice or in a process of a career change. They meet each Monday at 2pm ONLINE only. St. Andrew United Methodist Church is located at 1401 Mira Vista, Plano, TX 75093. Park on the East side of campus on Mira Vista street in the East parking lot next to Smith Worship Center; enter the East patio doors to room 131 registration table. For more info go to or contact Bill Brewer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Career-in-Motion @ Watermark Community Church - Our Vision - Many people in our body have gone through big careers changes, some planned and some unexpected. Careers-in-Motion is dedicated to helping members of our body during these often stressful times of change. We want to help you through that transition period by praying with you, providing counsel during your job search and directing you to other helpful resources. Weekly Meeting - In order to connect with us, please come to our Careers in Motion meetings that occur each Tuesday at 8am on the 3rd Floor of the Watermark tower. Visit us at  Typical Agenda:  8:00 - Networking / Orientation,  8:15 - Announcements,
 8:30 - Panel or Speaker,  9:30 - Networking, 10:00 - Battle Teams, 11am - end of meeeting

I believe in the deity of Jesus Christ
I believe eternal salvation is available only through Jesus Christ
I accepted the Bible as the authoritative Word of God
I have received Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord
If asked by someone during the CIM meeting, I can give a clear presentation of the Gospel message

Career Search Network - - Career Search Network’s approach to today’s job-search market is simple: Provide a location for qualified unemployed or under-employed professionals to meet and exchange professional networking data, job leads, company contacts, company and industry research. Combine this with 21st century job search strategies, career search workshops conducted by savvy industry professionals and add a healthy dose of positive reinforcement and career search accountability…at no charge and you have a better idea what makes Career Search Network unique. Choose the CSN branch that’s most convenient, sign-up and come prepared to participate and be inspired!

  • Groups by Location
    • Arlington Career Search Network (Formerly - Job Networking Community (AJNC)) - A networking group for job seekers with a diverse membership. We are a group of unemployed or under-employed people who are networking to find our next job. The AJNC meets in the Student Center of First Baptist Church of Arlington, every Monday morning from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.  The student center is located at 401 Spaniola Drive, Arlington, TX 76010, and the Student Center is located across the street from the UTA Bookstore. For more information, please visit
    • CSN Community at Bible Way - Meets Every Tuesday night at 7pm at the Bible Way Community Baptist Church, 4215 N Greenview Dr., Irving Texas 75062. 214-728-6930
    • Concord Career Unlimited Network (CCUN)· meets every Wednesday, 12pm - 2pm at Concord Church 6808 Pastor Bailey Drive, Dallas,· TX· 75237. Our Facilitator is Olivia France. For more information about the group, all communications should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. I'm still involved but primarily as a participant. The group is here to support the South Dallas County area (Cedar Hill, Duncanville, Desoto, etc.)
    • DFWBAFFS Banking/Accounting/Finance/Financial Services – A networking group for banking, mortgage, finance and financial service professionals who are seeking new career opportunities and for those who would like to assist others in their career search. This group is an open forum for professionals in these areas to network, share contacts, leads,and ideas, in an upbeat meeting. There is NO CHARGE to be a member of this group. We have a very informal networking session the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 1-3 p.m. We meet at White's Chapel United Methodist Church, 185 S White Chapel Blvd – Evans Hall, Room 2235, Southlake, TX 76092. This twice monthly session is intended to be a place to provide positive encouragement, exchange job leads and network to provide help to others in their job search. If you are a recruiter and want to meet some outstanding talent, please join us! Moderators: June Whisenhunt: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & Foster Williams: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • DFW Healthcare Focus Group - This networking group is made up of experienced healthcare industry professionals who pool our collective knowledge of organizations and people. Our goal is to share and expand our knowledge of the industry and assist those in search of new career opportunities. The group is open to anyone interested in learning more about this exciting field. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month (ignoring those that have 5 Thursdays). Our goal is to have speakers come in as available and to have special events once a quarter. The group gathers after the main Southlake Focus Group concludes its general meeting. Currently, due to the COVID situation, we are meeting over zoom. For additional information, zoom link, and questions please reach out to Jules Ryckebusch. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
    • Engineering/Technical Focus Group - Networking for the Engineering and Technical community. The Engineering/Technical Focus Group is now meeting jointly with the CSN-IT Focus Group both in-person and on Zoom. Our meetings are Tuesdays from 9:00-10:30 AM at White’s Chapel United Methodist Church, 185 S White Chapel Blvd – Evans Hall, Room 2233, Southlake, TX 76092. Use this link to connect to the Zoom session: Discussions generally focus on current opportunities across many markets -- architecture, manufacturing, healthcare, energy/oil/gas, to name a few -- and all engineering disciplines including electrical, chemical, mechanical, civil, industrial, and aeronautical. We share job leads, discuss current industry trends, and offer round table networking. We occasionally invite guest speakers and we encourage working technological professionals to participate with the group. We strongly encourage all engineers and any one with a technological interest in their job search to attend and share with others.
    • Fort Worth Career Search Network - To join this group, one must attend our Monday morning meeting. It starts at 9:00 a.m. We suggest you arrive early to register and to start networking with our members! The Fort Worth Career Search Network (FWCSN) group meets EVERY Monday at North Fort Worth Baptist Church at 5801 North I-35W, Fort Worth, TX 76131 (located in the Northwest corner of I-35W and North Loop 820). Once you attend your first meeting, you will be allowed to join our YahooGroups Site where members may post messages and job leads generously, but concisely! More information and directions can be found at
    • CSN-IT Focus Group - The networking group is for all jobseekers seeking IT opportunities and also we invite any IT employees as well that would like to help the unemployed obtain employment. All facets of the IT market will be observed. If you are involved in IT in anyway, we strongly encourage you to attend. We will be discussing the group's ideas of a national and perhaps a global prescence. CSN-IT Focus Group is now meeting jointly with the Engineering/Technical Focus Group both in-person and on Zoom. Our meetings are Tuesdays from 9:00-10:30 AM at White’s Chapel United Methodist Church, 185 S White Chapel Blvd – Evans Hall, Room 2233, Southlake, TX 76092. Use this link to connect to the Zoom session:
    • North Richland Hills Career Search Network - This group provides support to fellow professional job seekers in the North Richland Hills area. We exchange job leads, network, offer useful strategies for a job search, share information on job search workshops, and provide support and encouragement to each other. Facilitator Jim Bandy.· To join this group, one should attend our Tuesday morning meetings that start at 9:00 a.m. We suggest you arrive early to register and to start networking with our members! Meeting location is at: North Richland Hills Baptist Church, 6955 Boulevard 26, North Richland Hills, TX 76180-8807
    • Project Management, Business Analysis, Supply Chain and Logistics -  Our group is dedicated to supporting professionals in Project Management, Business Analysis, Supply Chain, and Logistics during their career transition. We are a dynamic hub for education, networking, and support, offering weekly virtual meetings every Wednesday, from 9 AM to 10 AM CT, via Zoom. These sessions are a chance to engage in insightful discussions, connect with peers facing similar career paths, and receive supportive guidance. Whether you are actively seeking new opportunities or looking to expand your professional network, our community provides practical insights into the job search process and beyond. We invite you to join our next session at the following link: or use Meeting ID: 869 696 454. Your participation is an opportunity to be part of a community invested in your professional success. We look forward to welcoming you and embarking together on a journey of growth and success in your professional endeavors. For additional details, contact Alvin Donohue at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Foster Williams at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Career Jump Start @ First United Methodist Church in Richardson - To guide our job seekers during their job search process by offering excellent informational and motivational speakers and programs; providing an opportunity to network; and assisting each member to utilize their God-given talents and abilities to become contributing members in our community. There are many ministries in the DFW area that focus on the crucial needs of the job seeker. What makes Career Jump-Start unique is that it provides guidance for a “Successful Job Search”. We do not duplicate; we guide our members throughout the entire process. There is no charge and we hope you will invite those who you believe will benefit. Meets every other Tuesday nights from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Ogden Fellowship Hall (north side of Sanctuary building). (Exceptions include weeks where there is a holiday during the week, and weeks where events at the Church result in no meeting space available.) First United Methodist Church, 503 North Central Expressway, Richardson, TX 75080. For more info go to:

Career Transition Support Group At Grace Presbyterian Church - Our purpose is not only to provide moral support to persons in career transition, but also to assist them in identifying and utilizing their strengths, and to equip them with the tools necessary for a successful job search. These include: An attention-grabbing resume, A well-developed LinkedIn profile, The use of the Internet and social media to facilitate the job search, Networking skills, Interviewing skills. We meet on the first and third Wednesdays of every month at Grace Presbyterian Church, 4300 W Park Blvd, Plano, TX 75093 in Room MB1 at 9:00 a.m. For further information contact the facilitators: Mike Shaw at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Bill Harrison at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

• Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) Group - This group has merged with the Retail Executives. (See below.)

Dallas ATD Career Development Special Interest Group (SIG) – This SIG meets on the 4th Monday of most months. It is free and open to learning and performance professionals who are members of Dallas ATD. Non-members may attend up to 2 sessions of any SIG free. After 2 sessions, you must join Dallas ASTD by paying the annual dues. Please visit for information on upcoming meetings.

Dallas PMI Career Networking Group - The Dallas PMI Career Networking Group provides support for Project Management professionals who are seeking new career opportunities and for those who would like to assist others in their career search. This monthly session is a place to network with Project Managers and recruiters to provide positive encouragement, exchange job leads and to provide help to others in their job search. We meet at Brookhaven Country Club, 3333 Golfing Green Drive, Farmers Branch in the Fireside Room on the second Thursday of the month.  The sessions are held each month one hour before the PMI Dallas monthly dinner meeting.  Information about the dinner meetings and other events can be found here - Facilitator: Lois Montague - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

• DallasHR JobLink for Human Resources Professionals - JobLink is a free career development program for individuals seeking employment in the field of human resources. Individuals who are currently unemployed or who have been notified that their jobs are ending are welcome to join. Membership in DallasHR is not required. JobLink meetings are held on various dates at 9:00 a.m. at the Dallas HR office, 5001 LBJ Freeway. Suite 800 (Heritage Square II - Argosy University Building) Dallas, TX 75244. Please visit for dates and topics or call 214-631-8775 for more information on these free networking meetings.

Employment Transition Ministry (ETM) @ First United Methodist Church Richardson - volunteers assist both members and referrals of the FUMCR community in their efforts to find employment, change careers, or return to the workplace. ETM's goal is to reduce the time of employment transition by networking with many local organizations, and through introductions to local companies represented by the members of FUMCR. Come visit us on every Sunday in room 209 at 11:00AM. A computer workstation will also be available for job-search use in the FUMCR library during their regularly scheduled hours.First United Methodist Church, 503 North Central Expressway, Richardson, TX 75080.For more information go to

• Empowering Job Seekers Seminar @ The Hills Church of Christ - Empowering Job Seekers, The Hills Church of Christ, 6300 North East Loop 820 North Richland Hills, Texas 76180, Meetings: Private one-on-one counseling  by appointment. Through private one-on-one counseling by appointment, we focus on teaching you how to find the 90%+ good salary paying jobs that are never advertised. For any questions please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.

• The Executive Forum - Motivation Mondays - If you are searching for an executive-level position (Director or above), and would like to learn more about an executive networking group, The Executive Forum, please email a current resume to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for review. Sonia Lowery has facilitated this meeting for the last 15+ years and welcomes you to join this exceptional group of executives for Motivation Mondays, 10 AM – 11:30 AM. This is an amazing opportunity to network and build relationships with executives in transition. If you have questions or need additional information, Sonia’s cell is 214.534.6199. 

FENG (Financial Executives Networking Group) is a national organization for senior level financial executives. The purpose of our chapter meetings is to offer an invaluable opportunity for you to create a sharp focus of your background with the other members and to network for opportunities.We get together once a month. We occasionally have guest speakers. The bulk of the meetings are to network, meet new members, share leads and go over updates on leads. It is a no-pressure casual meeting where members can join in fellowship to discuss things. The normal schedule for the monthly meetings of the DFW Chapter of the FEI/FENG is the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6 pm unless otherwise noted. If our organization fits your background, you are most welcome to attend. Call Bob Walker, Dallas Chapter Chair of the FEI/FENG, with any questions at 214-532-1152. Find out more at

Frisco Connect - Now meeting again! We meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month. Find practical help for reaching your career goals at Frisco Connect. At this networking and skill-building meeting, you’ll hear from recruiters and industry professionals on topics like interview skills, resume writing, and social media networking, as well as Inspiration, Motivation, Education, and Collaboration. PLEASE BE SURE TO REGISTER HERE. We meet at Stonebriar Community Church, 4801 Legendary Dr., Frisco TX 75034. There’s no cost to attend. Please register below to join us on the first Tuesday of every month from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Newcomers, join us afterward for a New Member Orientation from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Frisco Connect has been live streaming its sessions this past year from 2022 on YouTube and you may access these sessions on YouTube by using this link: Stonebriar Events - YouTube

Grace Outreach Center Employment Network - Grace Outreach Center Job Seeker meetings have been suspended. If you would like to receive job postings, please send request to facilitator, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Holy Cross Career Network Meeting - Do you know anyone who has lost their job, or have quit their job and are looking for their next career opportunity? The Holy Cross Career network provides mentoring and support in critical areas of the job search such as interview skills, resume writing, social media, networking and more! We have a great lineup of presenters. We meet on the 2nd Monday of every month from 6.30pm - 8:00 pm at 303 King Road, Frisco, TX 75034. Parking is available at the back and East side of the building. The meetings are open to everyone in the North Dallas area. For more info, go to Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Human Resource Career Networking Group - Southlake - for HR professionals who are seeking new career opportunities and for those who would like to assist others in their career search. This session is intended to be a place to provide positive encouragement, exchange job leads, and network to provide help to others in their job search. If you are a recruiter and want to meet some outstanding talent, please join us! We have a very informal networking session - Wednesday mornings - from 10:00 a.m. until noon. Meeting the 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month ONLY on Zoom. For more information contact: Foster Williams: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Pete Hernandez - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Job Connection Ministry @ LakePoint Church - Job Connection Meetings - Networking, Learning and Support for Job Seekers during their job search.
Every Thursday morning 9:00 AM to Noon – Room A128, Lake Pointe Church, Rockwall Campus, 701 E. Interstate 30, Rockwall, Texas 75087

  •  JOB CONNECTION MEETINGS (Networking Meetings) –

    Join us in our weekly meeting designed to support individuals who is currently in a “Job Search”. It is intended to provide training and encouragement to individuals during their ongoing job search. Job seekers will be able to:
    > Interact with Job Coaches to receive both group and personal support on resume improvement, interviewing, and networking techniques
    > Network with other like-minded individuals who are also in an active job search to share leads, ideas and concepts that have discovered during their individual job searches
    > Access computer resources to aid the job search
    > Learn new techniques and nuisances of the job search process

    Meetings will be every Thursday 9 AM to Noon at Lake Pointe Church, Rockwall campus in room A-128

• The Job Axis Network (JAN) Ministry -THIS GROUP IS MOVING TO A NEW LOCATION - NOT MEETING AT THIS TIME-  is one of the outreach teams of True North Church in Frisco, Texas. Our goal is to provide caring support to individuals during their career transitions. We desire to encourage, equip and empower individuals to become all that God wants you to be. The Job Axis Network (JAN) Ministry provides support to anyone in a work life transition. Discover your God-given gifts and find a career that is right for you. We offer moral and prayer support in a safe environment, encourage the exchange of information and ideas and the sharing of resources. Join us each Monday from 7:00pm – 9:00pm (first-timers orientation from 6:30pm - 7:00pm) at True North Church, 8680 Main Street, Frisco, TX 75035. Our meetings are open to the community and there is no charge. To register, send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; we provide consultation and training in the following areas which include but are not limited to the following: Skill development, Job Search Management, Branding & Personal Packaging, Resume Development, Job Search Techniques, Accountability in a Job Search, Networking Techniques, 20-Second ‘Elevator’ Pitch, Interviewing & Salary Negotiation, Career Assessment. We provide assistance to support you in finding a job. All sessions include a networking session and job lead sharing. For more information please contact either Harold Heard or Sindy Heard at 972-464-1038 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Job Searchers Club - Bedford - Workforce Solutions of Tarrant County will host a Job Club on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. The Job Club is designed to assist people in finding job leads to obtain employment. Open to the public. Bedford Public Library, Bonnie Finn Room, 2424 Forest Ridge Dr. Bedford, Texas 76021

• Job Seekers Ministry of St. Peter Lutheran Church - This ministry is available to support those currently seeking employment for any reason — whether unemployed, under- employed, or just seeking the life and calling that God has intended for you.  Church membership is not required and our services are provided free of charge to all members of the community.  We do not currently have regularly scheduled meetings, but are available to meet one-on-one to assist you!  As the need arises, we will plan group meetings, just not on a regular schedule.  St. Peter is located at 15701 Cleveland Gibbs Road, Roanoke, TX· 76262. For more information, call 817-491-2010 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

Job Seekers Ministry of The Heights Baptist Church of Richardson - visit for more info on this group.

Lincoln County Networking Group - We're a loosely organized, talented group of folks, headquartered in Plano, Texas, with members all over the country. We all are (or have been) in the same boat and are serious about helping others with networking, leads, and job search information. We are a networking and lead sharing group, not a recruitment agency, although we have a number of recruiters who work with us routinely. We meet weekly, Thursday mornings at 7:30 a.m., at NORMA'S Cafe, 8300 Gaylord Pkwy #19, Frisco, TX 75034 Meet with us weekly for networking, or, if you prefer, you can be a member "at large" and stay connected through our daily emails. The only obligations of membership in LCNG are that you need to be willing to: 1) share leads (that you aren't personally pursuing) with the rest of the group, and 2) agree to take calls from others in the group to help with networking and referrals. For more info go to 

M.E.G. - This invitation only group is for high level executives who have more than 10 years in a Vice President or Director level position. If interested in this group, please send your resume to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Thank you and we look forward to getting to know you.

Network4Careers - Our goal is to connect local employers with career seekers as well as provide tools to further enhance career searches. We meet the 1st Wednesday of each month from noon to 1:30pm at Denton Public Library, South Branch, 3228 Teasley Lane, Denton, TX 76210

North Dallas / Plano Career Focus Group- Professionals from all industries have met in the North Dallas / Plano area since 2000. This group helps professionals who are unemployed or under-employed with all areas of their job search. The North Dallas Group meets each Friday from 9:30am to 11:30am at Christ United Methodist Church, 3101 Coit Road, (on the southwest corner of Coit and Parker) Plano, TX 75075. North building (closest to Parker) room N156. For more information send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For a map & here

 North Texas Job Seekers - If you've found yourself out of work, we're here to help! Our Job Seekers group offers a safe place to connect with others as you navigate this season of your career. Each class, we'll give you practical resources to support your job search while tackling topics like resume building, search tools, interview tips, generating job leads, and more! We meet in person on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at Preston Trail Community Church, 8055 Independence Pkwy in Frisco, TX 75035. For more information, visit .

Practice Interview Team (The PIT Crew) - You must have an appointment in order to have a practice interview. Panels of interviewers are ready to help you practice for that real interview.  The practice interview team is made up of volunteers from multiple industries and they attempt to ask the questions that your potential employer might ask.  The team will need research time so  "Appointments are taken on a first-come basis, for proper preparation no appointments will be accepted after 6 pm the previous day." You must have an appointment in order to have a practice interview.  Observers are welcome and no appointment is required to be an observer. We meet each Wednesday from 1 - 2:45pm at CUMC, 3101 Coit Road, (Southwest corner of Coit and Parker) Plano TX. Send your resume and a current job description to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 972-861-CREW (2739) Dallas PIT Crew (Practice Interview Team)

 Real Estate Networking Group - We are a group of real estate professionals who provide job seeking support & networking information to our members within the DFW area. Our group consists of active job-seekers & employed professionals who may want to change jobs. We are a diverse group of real-estate professionals from many functional areas. We have members in property & asset management to development & acquisitions to finance & mortgage bankers to architects, Engineers & facilities planners. Come and network with us.  We meet each Friday from 7:30am to 9:30am at the Spectrum Center, 5080 Spectrum Dr., Suite 122 West,Addison, Texas 75001. Spectrum Center, located in the Northwest corner of the Dallas North Tollway and Belt Line Road, in Addison.  The conference center located just off the lobby of the West tower in Suite 122 West.  Please park in the garage Visitor Parking on level P1.  The garage is accessible from Spectrum Dr.  Please do not the surface parking spaces.  Free parking until 9:30 AM.  As always, the meeting will begin at 7:30.1) Park near WEST ELEVATOR. 2)Take WEST ELEVATOR to LOBBY. 3)Exit elevator and turn right down first corridor. 4)The conference center is at the end of the corridor on the right – Suite 122W. If you have any questions, please give us a call: Rick W. Waggoner 972.571.1299 , Dene Allred 972.333.7200, Dan Newell 214.649.1029.  For more info go to

• Senior Connection started in 2002 This is a networking meeting for individuals age 50 and older who are looking for employment. It’s an opportunity to learn about employers who are “Older Worker Friendly”, other employment resources, and ways to be competitive in the job search. Sponsored by The Senior Source, Senior Employment Program. Website: or click here for current program information.

Southlake Focus Group – Started in 2001 this group helps professionals who are unemployed or under-employed, networking for their next job. The Southlake Focus Group meets at White's Chapel United Methodist Church every Thursday from 8 am to 10:30 am. The church is located at 185 South White Chapel Blvd in Southlake, TX 76092. The group meets in Wesley Hall. For more info visit

Southlake Logistics & Supply Chain (LOGS) Group - We are a special interest group for the logistics, supply chain, transportation and warehousing sectors. We seek to share leads, network and provide fellowship and share information in the various supply chain functions. We no longer meet on a regular schedule, however··you can network with us via our Yahoo group. For more info

 • Tarrant County Senior Executive Networking Group - Networking group targeting Senior level executives.· Meets Mondays at 10:00am. For all interested/qualified executives needing to network email Brad Smith, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 469-995-5459