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What People Like You are Saying About CareerDFW

 Comments from users of and ...

"Congrats Jeff on the 11th anniversary and many thanks for all your hard work over the years! I appreciate all you do and have done for us job seekers. You were a huge help to me in 2016 and again this year during my search! Let's hope I can wait a few more years until returning, but I now know there are no permanent jobs! Take Care," Gregg B, P.E., P.G. 11/18/19

"Good afternoon Jeff, I was at the Pit Crew today and since you are a legend by starting CareerDFW, can we please connect? Your work and this association has been nothing but outstanding for myself and others. Thank you." Michelle C. Administrative Assistant | Mortgage Compliance Analyst 2019

"First off thank you so much for what you are doing. It really helped me land a position. Due to what I learned at the CareerDFW meetings I was offered a position on the spot the day of my interview and started 2 days later. I am employed at NRSNG as Senior Product Manager. I got the interview due to the T-Cover letter method I learned at the Career Transition Workshop. I will be sure to bring any positions we might have to the job board. Thank you all again for what you do!" Thank you, Jason C. 8/9/19

"Thank you so much for running the meetings (North Dallas / Plano Career Focus Group), the web site, and providing such great forums and resources! Your leader ship Is appreciated! Nothing like any other job market I’ve been in, including Seattle, Montana, and Virginia!" Chris, PM 8/1/2019

"Jeff, thank you so much for your help and support and for being an interviewer on the panel a couple of weeks ago during the PIT Crew meeting! I start on Monday with the City of Allen in the Senior Accountant position! I am so excited! Thank the Lord for opening this door and for the prayers and support of so many! You are such a cool guy! I want to stay in contact with you! Please let me know how I can help you at any time. Thanks again!" Julie B. 12/2017

"Hi Jeff, I attended one of your workshops at the SeniorSource job fair in September. I love CareerDFW website! It's been instrumental in helping me navigate through the many paths of the job search. Thank you! Sincerely," Anne B. 11/13/17

"Jeff, Your book is great. To the point! Love it! Thanks for writing it!" Shannon 11/2/2017

"Dear Jeff, Your presentation to our class was outstanding. The information you provided about will prove to be a valuable asset. The website is outstanding. I am grateful and blessed to have been there to hear your presentation. Thank you for your time and the effort to present to our group. It is people like you that make our country great. Thanks again.Best regards," Mark M. 10/2017

"Hi, Jeff. I was at the Senior Source JF yesterday and really enjoyed your presentation. You have done an amazing job in putting together a source for people in need." Russell R. 9/2017

"Jeff, I really enjoyed your Breakout Sessions at the Job Fair today. It was very helpful and interesting. I appreciate all you are doing to help others who need help connecting with job opportunities. Thanks," Bob S. 9/2017

"Thank You: Your Book is a Valuable Resource - Hello Jeff – We met when you were a guest speaker for a JFS workshop. I was laid off during a reduction in force. That provided a great reason to read your book. It certainly provides valuable and actionable insights! Best to you!" Kelly M. 9/2017

"Hi Jeff, Just wanted to thank you for all your help and support during my job search. Your book and the North Dallas Career Focus group helped make my job search successful. I landed with xxxx in Plano as a xxxx. Thank you again for all your help and support." Mary Y. 1/2017

"Hi Jeff! After attending your amazingly informational workshop today I could not get home fast enough to implement your tips on LinkedIn, to research networking events AND to share your website with three x-colleagues who have also recently been laid off. Thank you VERY MUCH for what you do! -Susan A. 2/2017

"Jeff, Sending a special "Thank You" to you and the other staff for hosting a great career session at the North Dallas / Plano Career Focus Group. This was my first session in about five years and I appreciate everything you all do and have done for many years. Best Regards and enjoy you weekend," Norva H., PMP 6/17/16

"I was at a Texas Workforce Solutions orientation this morning and they promoted your website and your name. Congrats!!! The trainer even walked us through the tabs and cool features that we should use." Roxanne K. Marketing Strategist 6/16/16 

"Thank you for, which helped me find networking groups and career transition support. I'm happy to report I start my new position next week. Take care," Lila G. PMP 6/14/16

"Hello Jeff, I recently discovered CareerDFW and I'm very thankful to have found an abundance of very helpful resources. Your workshop today featuring Career Search Tips was very helpful and insightful. I was shocked to learn that only 5-10% of jobs are found on the internet; fresh out of college, I obtained my first job via the internet. In search of my second opportunity, I have thus far utilized the internet. Going forward, I will be sure to get out and network in addition to volunteer and attend live group events. Again thank you and all the volunteers for this wonderful event. Best Regards," George T. 3/9/16

"Jeff, Thanks for your presentation regarding yesterday at the CSN Networking event in Southlake. I found it very informative and wish I had seen it a few months earlier. While I have used the site gainfully for a while I now understand there is much more content there than I previously realized.   Thanks again also for your efforts in producing and maintaining the site.  Best Regards," Lee E. 1/29/16

"Jeff, I was at the Senior Connection this morning. I really enjoyed your talk. I will definitely make myself a name tag and business cards. Thank you for that and all the other useful information." Jane B. 2015

"Hello, I came across this page of your site and noticed that you are linking to and other resources for servicemen and women. I wanted to thank you for supporting veterans and active military. This is a mission I have been deeply involved in as well." Ashley K. Outreach Coordinator 2015

"Thank you very much for posting the information regarding “The Faith Journey called Job Search” on I was impressed with what a complete and thorough job you did with the post including all the details about the event, a link to the registration page, a link to the Google map (complete with church information, reviews and location marker), Jobseekers email address, description of the event, “copy to my calendar function” and etc., etc.
As always you did a very wonderful job! By the way, I heard your interview on the radio this morning. You did a great job with that too. I did not know you had written a book back in 2012, “What I’ve Learned About YOUR JOB SEARCH That You May Not Know”, by Jeff Morris. Thank you again and God Bless," Don A. 2015

 People are reading and acting upon information from your site! I received 3 calls for reservations for LinkedIn. The fact they called, per suggestion, means many others read it! Thank you on behalf of the agency for posting our information and all you do for the community! Camille K. 2015       

Hey Jeff: Congratulations on building CareerDFW/USA into such a great site and for helping hundreds of thousands of folks with their career search. Kind regards Mike C. 2015

Congratulations Jeff for all that you do for the career community! You should be very proud and pleased about the impact you have had on so many faceless people. Thank You! 2015

Happy Birthday to CareerDFW.Org!!!! Wishing you continued success!!!! Here's 6 Hearty Cheers to achieving Greater Heights ahead!!!!! "Hip! Hip! Hip! Hip! Hip! Hip! Hurray!!!!!! Thank You for the TIME, DEDICATION & COMMITMENT!!!! We applaud your selflessness and passion for helping others! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Warm Regards, Joy J. 2014

Many congratulations on CareerDFW's 6th Birthday! You, the site, and its many contributors have been a great help to the job-search community! All the best! Janet F. 2014

Congratulations on CareerDFW’s 6th birthday. This site is a great help to job seekers. Best regards, Alvin D. 2014

Jeff, I met you last Friday at the weekly career networking meeting at CUMC. I can't thank you enough for helping people like me helping them in a new career search. I look forward to seeing you again on Friday. Best regards, Judge B. 11/18/14

"I just wanted you to know that I thought Jeff Morris’s presentation was outstanding and I will incorporate some of the ideas he presented into my job hunt. Thank you very much for the invite and the opportunity to rub elbows with some fellow veterans."  Regards, Glenn D. 2014

CONGRATULATIONS!!:) You have helped so many people! Keep up the great work!" Deb M. 11/18/13

"Congratulations Jeff! Without you ongoing commitment and earnest desire to contribute to this underserved community, many job seekers would still be lost without direction and a sense of knowing where and how to access the vital information you provide on an on-going basis. 

Kudos to you and all that you have accomplished and will continue to develop in the DFW area. Sincerely, I professionally and personally thank you!" Camille K., MS, CDMS 11/18/13

`"Jeff, congratulations to YOU! You've made this site work and have helped thousands find new careers. Best regards,"  Jim M. Colonel, US Army (Retired)

"Jeff – I genuinely enjoyed the presentation today at Southlake Focus Group; I am humbled by the ongoing commitment you have made to helping those in the DFW area find work.  When I entered into the search mode (after 30+ years) in January, I would never have imagined the depth of the resources that are out there.  I have friends/former co-workers in other cities going through this and they simply have nothing on the same level that those in the DFW area have.  My sincere thank you for all you do to make this journey a bit less scary and overwhelming for so many.  You are a jewel!"  Cathy A. 5/9/13

"Thank you - Jeff Morris, founder, presented at Career Jump-Start. Excellent; Informative; & Valuable Resource!"  Katherine B. - Career Group Leader 5/3/13

"Hi Jeff, I heard you speak at the Career Connection a few weeks ago. I'm new to Texas and this website resource is INCREDIBLE. Thank you for doing this, I'm already getting interviews!!" Breton K., MBA 4/29/13

"I just wanted to let you know that I think it is so wonderful the work you have done for all the unemployed people in the Metroplex and around the country. I am so glad that you were invited to the White House via the Dept of Labor to share your thoughts and processes with them. Until I was unemployed, I was not aware of the various networking groups, your website and LinkedIn group. Congratulations!" Marcia P. 9/17/12

I hope that you are very proud of yourself; I know I would be if I were you!

"Many, many thanks to whoever puts the calendar together and maintains it. It's a gondsend." Thanks, Jane L. 7/12/12

"Thank you for all that you do for the job seeker community in DFW via your CareerDFW website. I absolutely LOVE your calendar of events, and share it's value with every "newbie" I encounter." Jim F. Sr Network Technology Manager 4/16/12

"Wow I love the Career DFW job board is awesome!! Thanks so much for all your hard work and dedication!!" Sherry N. 4/10/12

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for your exceptional presentation this morning!  Hopefully you could see how engaged our group was with your information – hanging on your every syllable.  The feedback we received was glowing, stating your information was so valuable to them – “perhaps the best presentation they’d ever seen!”  It doesn’t get any better than that, does it?  You have the gift of breaking it down into doable steps, and I could see the lights going off in their heads as it all made so much sense.  As I shared with you, I had not explored all that your website has to offer myself, and I was so impressed and enlightened today.  What a gold mine you’ve created!! Your style is humorous, also, and as you pointed out, looking for work is hard, and everyone needs a laugh along this journey. We also greatly appreciated the extra time you spent answering questions when we know your time is so valuable.  It was a complete honor to have you here at The Senior Source finally, and you certainly went above & beyond today.  Your sincere desire to help others certainly comes through in your presentation.  We would love to have you back sometime in the future, if your busy schedule will permit. Once again, thanks for sharing your time and wisdom with our seniors." Claire T. 4/5/12

"Phenomenal site and awesome career networking resource. It was so helpful during my last career search." Posted on the Connected in North Dallas LinkedIn Group by Mike K. 3/25/12

"If you have never heard Jeff speak about, I highly recommend attending. I thought I was familiar with After I heard Jeff speak to the Carrollton Career Focus Group about it, I realized I was not using all it had to offer." Barbara R. Project Manager 3/18/12

Jeff, Thank you for taking so much of your personal time to create such a wonderful tool. I want to personally thank you for coming to the group and going over CareerDFW specifics.  I have been using the website for a while and did not even realize that it had some of the great links/files on it that it does.  You did an awesome job in presenting the website (probably a little easier to present it since YOU created it) and answering our questions. Thank you again. Sincerely, Wanda S. Supply Chain / Projects / Logistics Leader 3/5/12

"I am happy to let you know that I landed a full time position as Business Process Analyst. In the very first FWCSN meeting, one of the resources I heard about was  I went to their site and saw where there was an upcoming job fair (on their calendar page).  I attended the fair in October and ended up talking to many hiring managers which resulted in getting invited to 2 follow up face to face interviews...It just goes to show...that you never know where your next job will come from."Byron A. 1/7/12       

CareerDFW turned 3 on November 17, 2011 and received many birthday wishes. Here are a few:

  • "Congratulations on 3d birthday.  You can never know how much you are accomplishing behind the scenes.  I am impressed." Steve D. (Supply Chain) 11/18/11
  • "Happy third Birthday! thank you for all of the help, excellent articles, tips and job leads for the tens of thousands of people you've helped! God bless and bring on the Fourth Birthday!" Jim M. 11/13/11
  • "Thank you for compiling the on-line encyclopedic collection of information related to job searches. Happy 3rd Birthday CareerDFW." Keith P. 11/18/11
  • "Just a quick note to congratulate you and CareerDFW for three years of providing excellent support to Dallas-area job seekers. I really valued the time that I spent with the North Dallas Career Focus Group and feel like the things that I learned contributed to my re-entry into the job market last year." David S. (Social Media Manager) - 11/10/11

 "Jeff, Thanks so much for your leadership, and for your tireless effort providing such excellent resources on for all of us. Best regards," Scott K. (Product Development Electrical Engineer) - 12/21/10

"I wanted to thank you for CareerDFW. I have had the opportunity to volunteer over the last few weeks and I have told everyone about CareerDFW and what a wonderful service you provide. I wanted to let you know that I have landed and will start my new job after the first of the year...I found the posting on CareerDFW. Keep the faith and I will keep spreading the word!" Joe F. (Sales) - 12/19/10

 "Jeff, I want to express my sincere thanks for the hard and long hours you spend on maintaining You have a real ministry there, and as a job seeker, I, for one, would have a much harder time without it. My regret is that I have not made greater use of it. I keep finding out about activities and opportunities from others, and they tell me to get details from Thanks again." Bernard J. (Technical Writer) - 11/28/10

 "Jeff, you are doing GREAT work with CareerDFW...This is just a quick note to let you know how much I appreciate all you are doing for the unemployed and under-employed professionals in the DFW area. It is an honor to be associated with you. It’s nice to have a team of volunteers at CareerDFW delivering real value at no cost or obligation to unemployed and under-employed professionals in the DFW area.  Others fee-based networking groups have a lot to learn and could benefit from following your generous example. Best regards," David L. (Sr. Marketing Program Manager) - 11/1/10

 "I LOVE CareerDFW! I am just ramping up my job search-- I went to your web site recently, and it is great!! As I've begun this search, I've been absolutely overwhelmed by the speakers, networking organizers, writers, etc, who freely donate their valuable time, expertise and insight to job seekers like me. This web site is a perfect example, and I truly thank you!" Melanie E. (Communications Coordinator) - 10/17/10

 "You have certainly done an outstanding job leading the North Dallas Career Focus Group and CareerDFW; your site is unquestionably the finest tool for jobseekers quite possibly in the entire US. Please let me know if I can help you or any member at anytime. Warm regards,"Todd S.  (IT Leader & Program Manager) - 9/15/10

"Just wanted to say thank you for the presentation this morning at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. I learned a lot about the CareerDFW website - mostly about all the features I wasn't aware of and great information that it offers to those of in job search mode.  What a wonderful service you provide with the Noth Dallas Support Group and the CareerDFW site. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!" Dan W. (Financial Planning & Analysis) - 9/13/10

 "This is the first time in my adult life that I have looked for a job.  My first job lasted 16 years, and the second one for 10 years.  Suddenly I find myself in uncharted territory, often not knowing what I am “supposed” to do next. I am really touched by persons such as you.  You give your time and your talents unselfishly, in order to empower us with more/better tools that will enrich our job search, as well as making it more productive and effective. You also do a great job of maintaining the integrity and plethora of information on the CareerDFW website.  You don’t have to do all of this for us, but I personally want to say Thank You. Best Wishes," Linda W. (Order Management, Logistics, Sales Ops) - 7/14/10

 "Thank you -- CareerDFW provides an unmatched valuable service to people in DFW seeking employment!" Parley A.(Career Coach) - 6/30/10

 "Yesterday I had to go over to Texas Workforce solutions (in Plano) for a session to ensure I kept my unemployment benefits.  Thought you would be interested in knowing that they only recommended two job sites in the class: and Nice job! Regards, Gary S. (Senior Sales Leader) - 6/16/10

 "Jeff...You're doing a fantastic job with your web site. Everyone raves about it.  I've heard it called, "the Next Best Thing To LinkedIn"!  Keep up the good work, we are really proud of you. Thanks!" Best Regards, Don (Leader at Job-Net of Plano) - 5/19/10

 "I wanted to let you know that I found the CareerDFW job board:
1. Original - only two items duplicated things I had seen...
2. Quick - I could read 3 titles across every line, the font also was sufficiently large
3. Concise - the job description text was concise so that I could read it quickly
Thank you, Joseph"(CPA)  - 3/10/10

"I just wanted to say that your Career DFW jobs board is great. For those of us looking for work, it is a most useful tool. Thank you! Best regards," Michael (Corporate Lean Manager) - 3/6/10

"Just a quick note to say THANK YOU for all you do!  You've done a great job creating the web site and making it an impressive and useful tool.  The job board and feeds to twitter are an added bonus.  I hope all is well.  Have a great week! Kindest Regards, " Tricia - 2/10/10

"I am home today, so I went on the website you developed, "CareerDFW" and saw the "New Jobs" board. It is very good and very well done from a "job searcher's" point of view. It is very easy to work through by category. Thanks for being someone who has figured out "How-to" help people. I just wanted you to know it is a very positive thing you are doing. This will truly help people. God Bless you and CareerDFW." Wayne (Retail Sales Specialist) - 2/9/10

"Your CareerDFW website is fantastic. Anyone in the DFW area looking for work who isn't using it every day is missing out." Janelle (Business Development) - 2/8/10

"Jeff, I follow your energy and commitment to helping us. I just want to offer my sincere thank you for all you do. I know that without folks like you, I would still be a novice. Regards, Eddie H". - 1/19/10

"I wanted to tell you how cool all the publicity you have been given over this website. You have truly made a huge difference and contribution to all of us in the job search market! Thank you so much! Best Regards, Erika B" (Retail Professional) 1/18/10

"Thanks to you personally and to the group for their support ..... both morally, and with constructive professional instruction along the way.  These things are critical aspects for all, especially in these economic times...   You are an amazing guy to donate so much of your time to organize and lead such a needed service within the community." Pat (Sales Professional) 1/13/10

November 17, 2009 was CareerDFW's 1st are some of the comments:

  • "Congrats on a successful rookie year! Great job, and thank you for your assistance to less fortunate people in the community!! Best regards," Balu S.
  • "I hope you are doing well and wanted to offer my congratulations in getting CareerDFW to its first birthday." Steve M.
  • "Congratulations !!!! Best Regards" Jan S. - Engineering Manager
  • "HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your CAREER DFW Website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Denny P.
  • "Happy 1st Birthday to!. What an awesome transformation the organization/site has experienced just in its first year!! "Teri E, Operations and Marketing Management
  • "Congratulations! Thanks you for your dedication and hard work." Jim C.
  • "Congratulations, Jeff. Thanks for your and your team's support in the most difficult times in our careers." Bart
  • "Jeff et al., Congratulations! Your willingness to "pay it forward" sets a great example for the rest of the community. Thank you." David L.
  • "Congratulations Jeff ! Thanks for all of your hard work." Connie C.
  • "Happy Birhday indeed! Thanks not only for CareerDFW and all the resources on the website but also to all the networking groups under its umbrella. All for a price any unemployed person can afford -- free! A special thanks also needs to be given to Jeff Morris who created the website and got CareerDFW off the ground." Steve A.
  • "Way to go Jeff!! DFW is a better place because of your efforts. I am proud to call you a friend." Ralph T.
  • "Congratulations Jeff, and a job well done with this Networking group! I know for an organizer of a networking group, it takes lots of time, so thanks for the time you put into making the group a success and providing the information, because its out of your own time. Thanks also to all that are a part of this community (as it now is) and providing information for others. Wishes for more for and for continued growth! Thanks Jeff." ~ Rachel M.

"My compliments to you for undertaking this initiative and for growing it as you have!  A much needed resource for sure...  And congratulations on the non-profit status too!  I refer my clients at LHH every day to this site and have gotten good feedback from them that it is a very helpful tool....   Thanks for all that you do to help the job seekers in today's marketplace...  I greatly appreciate you and know many others do as well!" Gayle Bridgeman, Career Consultant - Lee Hecht Harrison - 10/19/09

"Your service is such a blessing!" Bill Brewer, Ministry Director: CareerCare, FinanceCare, St. Andrew United Methodist Church, corner W. Plano Pkwy & Mira Vista, Plano 75093. - 10/18/09

"It is "we" who thank you!! Your incredible spirit and motivation tohelp others by coalesing so many entities toegther is a trementous accomplishment. I thank you onbehalf the Dallas unemployed, and the staff of JFS, who have benefitted from your service to the general community of the unemployed!!" Camille Kramer, Jewish Family Service, Coordinator of Career and Employment Services - 10/14/09

"I just found out today that the content on your site and all of your efforts have been done on a volunteer basis. I just wish I could adequately express my gratitude and how impressed I am with the simplicity and ease-of-use of Ever since I found the site a couple of weeks ago, I've been telling EVERYONE I know about this great resource. You do an OUTSTANDING job and I assure you, many people in the community are very grateful for all of your hard work. Best regards," Doug, PMP (Project Manager) 4/3/09

"Thanks so much for posting this site and all your hard work.. This will assist SO many people in the DFW area. I have been in outplacement and career counseling for a long time and it is difficult to keep up with the groups and what is going on. This is a GREAT resource. If there is ANYTHING I can do to help support y'all, please let me know. Seriously. Thanks again! Cyndi - L.P.C., M.C.C. (Licensed Professional Counselor; Master Career Counselor). 3/20/09

"I was a Ph.D. Director-level, Organization Change Management (OCM) professional recently released from my position with the information technology department of a local, well-known Fortune 50 company. After dealing with the immediate impact, finding resources became the next step in the recovery process. CareerDFW's site has been an excellent "one-stop" resource that includes a calendar of all the job networking groups, a list of helpful job search web sites, job boards, folders full of samples, lists of recruiters, books and many other references.This resource should be recommended to everyone who is seeking helpful information to get started on the job search process.  The Dallas area is fortunate to have such a large network of resources for people considering job or career changes, especially in this current environment." Fred -Organizational Change Management - 2/9/09.

"I just want to compliment you on this wonderful and informational resource you have created!!  It gets better each time I look at it!  It is amazing all of the information that is gathered in one place!!   I want to thank you and congratulate you on this HUGE effort!  This is so cool!!   Thanks so much for all you do!!! - Gayle - Human Resources Professional and Career Consultant - 1/23/09

"Fantastic job on the website. It is a wonderful resource and I have sent many people to it as a reference guide." Tom - IT - 1/7/09

"I would just like to take this opportunity to compliment all the hands that worked so hard in putting together the website. This is the best organized source of career information I have seen. Thanks again and keep up the good work!"  Edwin - Project Manager -12/12/08