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CareerDFW and Dallas GiveCamp

October 2012 - CareerDFW has been selected by the Dallas GiveCamp to be one of 15 charities to get assistance in a website makeover.

 From the Dallas GiveCamp website:

What is GiveCamp?

GiveCamp is a weekend-long event where software developers, designers, database administrators and project managers donate their time to create custom software for non-profit organizations. This custom software could be a new website for the nonprofit organization, a small data-collection application to keep track of members, or a application for the Red Cross that automatically emails a blood donor three months after they’ve donated blood to remind them that they are now eligible to donate again. The only limitation is that the project should be scoped to be able to be completed in a weekend.

The first Dallas GiveCamp was in early 2011. The original idea was to hold one event a year. Using feedback from the last event we have decided to have two events this year. This allows us to move GiveCamp away from the holidays.

In January 2012·Dallas GiveCampers gave more than 2,000 hours to charity, 1,000+ drinks were drank, 500 pieces of pizza eaten and 13 charities were helped.

Why participate in GiveCamp?
As a software developer we have special skills that we have spent years perfecting, additionally as a member of the Dallas/Ft. Worth community we have a responsibility to help our neighbors. Why not combine our passion for building great software with the overwhelming need of non-profit organizations in our neighborhoods for this software. Oh yea and it is a heck of a great time.

The CareerDFW team consist of programmers, developers and an artist. Five us met on October 10, 2012 to talk about the website, become familiar with the site and talk about what they thought a great website should look like. Here are a few pictures from the event.


L to R, Brian Sullivan, Wilma Howell and Jeff Morris


L to R, Debi Terry, Tim Proffitt                                                           Shawn Weisfeld, organizer of the Dallas Give Camp


L to R, Wilma Howell, Tim Proffitt, Jeff Morris, Debi Terry

In between the above event and the big weekend October 2628, the CareerDFW team had a webinar to work on our plans before the big weekend. 

The Big Weekend - The weekend of October 26-28, five volunteers spent a long weekend giving you what you see now. Friday from 6pm to 11pm, Saturday from 8am to 9pm and Sunday from 8am to 4pm the team assisted in my vision on the websites. Over 122 labor hours was donated to CareerDFW and Many thanks to the volunteers: Wilma Howell, Cory Roese, Frank Fazzio, Debi Terry and Steve Hess.

Dallas GiveCamp 2012b 
Pictured L to R, Jeff Morris (Founder of CareerDFW), Debi Terry (Graphic Artist), Frank Fazzio (Programmer), Wilma Howell (Programmer), Cory Roese (Programmer). Not shown Steve Hess (Programmer).

Sponsors of the The Dallas GiveCamp 2012 were Paladin Staffing, Slalon Consulting, Ctrec Hilton IT Academy, Pariveda Solutions, Telerik, Matrix, and several others.

105 developers, designers and programmers spent an estimated 5000 hours helping 17 charities. It is estimated that 20 heads of lettuce, 230 lbs of chicken, 140 lbs of beef, 10 gallons of marinara sauce, 70 lbs of vegetables, 500 cookies and 1500 drinks kept the teams going that weekend.

Dallas GiveCamp estimates $500,000 worth of consulting hours were donated.

If you are in IT and want to have a great feeling of being helpful, donate your time next year at the event.

Many thanks to the team, the sponsors and Shawn for organizing the event.