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Dallas Morning News BLOG 2/11/09

"If I smell you before I see you, the interview's over."

7:41 AM Wed, Feb 11, 2009

Linda Crosson  


That's a quote from a story in The Wall Street Journal about a different slant on jobhunting from an unusual counselor. Stay with me and I'll tell you about some places to go in the Dallas area for job search help. Here's the start of the Journal story:

In the cafeteria of a small factory in Caldwell, Ohio, nine graveyard-shift workers gather before dawn to hear some job-hunting realities.

"You're going to have to do stuff that you've never done before," counselor Dick Gaither tells the group, clad mostly in denim shirts, baseball caps and work boots. "The world's done changed on you."


You can read the rest of the story -- about Gaither using humor and plain talk to reach his audiences.


What's the North Texas connection? There are plenty of sources for free or low-cost counseling, networking and other job help in the Dallas area. There's a Web site devoted to listing such groups, And if you want to read more, here's a story on such groups from a past edition of The Dallas Morning News. 


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