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Business Groups - Detail

This is a list of Business Groups that meet in the DFW area. Be sure to contact them for more information.

• Addison Business Association - The Addison Business Association was founded to improve communication between the Town of Addison business community and the Addison city government and City Council. For more info go to

Branch Out, Farmers Branch Chamber - This group meets weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30am at Luby's Cafeteria, 13455 Midway Road, Framers Branch, TX. Only $1 per person includes Coffee and Donuts. OPEN to Members and Guests, Networking and Referrals, Member Presentations, Business Commercials, For more info contact Anne Acuna 972-243-8966 or visit 

British American Business Council of DFW - The BABC DFW is an affiliate of the British-American Business Council, the largest international network of 33 British-American associations and Chambers of Commerce located throughout the US, the UK, Canada, and Mexico. We offer a varied program, its aim being to provide for the exchange of business information, fostering of new business trends, and opportunities for those involved in transatlantic trade.

Business and Professional Women of Dallas Inc. - BPW Dallas Inc. promotes equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education, and information. BPW Dallas Inc. includes among its members - women and men of every age, religion, race, political party and socio-economic background. Member benefits include but are not limited to: networking opportunities, educational opportunities, legislative information, and legislative visibility. Meets second Thursdays of the month at 6pm - vist for more info.

• Business Network International - several groups meet in the area, to find a group near you go to

• Business Referral System - several groups around the area

  • Richardson - meets weekly on Thursdays at 1:30pm at Swan Court Restaurant, 2435 N. Central Expressway, Richardson, TX. For more info contact Carland Whitaker 972-479-0690

• CREW Dallas (Commerical Real Estate Dallas) - is a non-profit organization of commercial real estate professionals affiliated nationally through membership in the CREW Network, providing opportunities for networking, education, leadership development and civic/philanthropic. For more info go to Meets third Wednesday of each month.

• Dallas Business Association - Objectives: 1) To institute and maintain a method of exchanging and interchanging business information between its Members. 2) To create a practical means of bringing its Members in touch with prospective business. 3) To encourage trade expansion for the benefit of its Members. 4) To promote a better aquaintance, closer association and friendship between its Members. Qualifications & Admission 1) Membership in the Association shall be limited to businesses controlled by adult persons of good character and business reputation. 2) Each membership shall be represented by an owner, partner or officer. 3) Each Member, upon application to and approval by the Board of Directors, may have one alternate (and in rare circumstances, two). An alternate need not be an owner, partner or officer provided that such alternate is approved by the Membership Committee and also approved by the Board of Directors. The alternate shall represent the Member in the absence of the Member. 4) Membership shall be limited to one for each trade, craft, profession or business. 5) Any initiation fees and dues required ($75 initiation, $75 per month dues) by the Board of Directors must be recieved by the Treasurer before the applicant becomes a member. Meeting Information: Day: Tuesday (Meetings are not held during holiday weeks) Time: Breakfast 7:30 - 7:45 am; Meeting 7:45 - 8:30 am Place: Café de France, 17370 Preston Rd #505, Dallas, TX 75252, (972) 733-3400 or directions: For more info go to:

• Dallas Junior Chamber of Commerce - The Dallas Junior Chamber of Commerce is Dallas’ premier young professional network for individuals between the ages of 21 - 39. Our Mission is… …to empower tomorrow’s civic & business leaders through personal and professional development. What We Do: Through various projects and events, we provide our members unparalleled opportunities to gain the experience needed to become more effective civic and business leaders in an environment where they can meet others with the same ambition. Our Members With a median age of 30, in just about every industry including legal, engineering, marketing, sales, finance, and many entreprenuers, our organization boasts over 100 outstanding members, and a newsletter distribution of over 500. When and Where We Meet: First Tuesdays at 6:30pm, go to to see events and location. Website:

• DallasBlue -Looking for networking events, expos, or seminars? Ready to learn and profit from online networking and LinkedIn? Want the latest news? Curious about local companies and executives? Seeking a job? Seek to promote to leading area CEOs, executives, and professionals? Issuing a press release? Launching a new product? Already putting out a web or print publication and want wider distribution? Having a seminar, party, reception, or promotion? Hiring? For more info go to  

• D-FW Professional Network- meets weekly on Thursdays at 7:15am at La Madeleine, 6430 N. MacArthur Blvd. Irving, TX  Call 469-951-7620

EarlyNet, Richardson Chamber of Commerce -  This group meets weekly on Wednesday at 7:30am. Contact Ryan Abrey with Member Services at 972-792-2816 for more information. Visit the current location.

Exceptional Women - We are professional Christian women who desire to form strategic Kingdom alliances, initiatives and solutions to advance the Kingdom of God in the marketplace! Our purpose is to facilitate the release of wealth in the marketplace for Kingdom purposes. We do this through building relationships, networking, Biblical teaching, prayer and discipleship to raise up servant leaders to impact the marketplace with a Kingdom perspective. For more info go to

Las Collinas Professional Bussiness Netorking Group - meets first and third Wednesday each month at 6:30pm. For location go to  for details. For more info contact Adina Cicort 972-922-4217.

Las Collinas Professional Women's Network - contact Judy Ashby 972-869-2266 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

• Leads Exchange Association of Dallas - meets weekly on Tuesdays at noon at Telos, 13701 Dallas Parkway. Call 972-720-9966 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

 Leads Unlimited II - Dallas- meets Thursdays at noon at Carrabba's Italian Grill, 17548 Dallas Parkway, Plano, TX  Contact C.C. McDaniel 877-504-4201.

• LeTip Dallas - a professional leads group, meets weekly on Wednesdays at 11:30am in Addison TX. Go to

• Marketing Business Partners - meets Wednesdays at 7:30am at Hotel InterContinental - Monte Carlo Restaurant, 15201 Dallas Parkway, Addision, TX Contact David Suess 972-455-4339 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

MeetUp - An Irving / Las Colinas Networking Group - Meets first Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm. Granada Market & Cafe, 387 E. Las Colinas Blvd., Irving TX. Visit or

MAPS (Metro Area Professional Saleswomen) - meets every other week on Thursdays at 11:30am at Capriccio Ristorante, 5301 Alpha Road, Suite 66, Dallas, TX  Contact Annie Daub 866-757-2461x707 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Navarro Small Business Development Center / U.S. SBA - The Navarro College Small Business Development Center offers free individual and confidential counseling, as well as low cost, informative seminars and workshops for Navarro, Ellis, Limestone, and Freestone counties. Areas of counseling include business and marketing plans, business startups, business expansions, loan proposals, business research, and general business counseling. For more information on our Counseling services and the current Workshop Calendar, please visit our website at:

New Morning Networking Group - 7:30am every other Tuesday. Meet at Benedict's, Beltline and Addison Roads in Addison, TX. Contact Rudye McGlothlin 214-373-7400 x 137.

• Network Masters - meets Wednesdays at 7:30am, contact Jan 214-752-7754x104.

North Dallas Chamber of Commerce - The North Dallas Chamber of Commerce is really all about more business. It's also all about more than business. This means that we take our role as community leaders very seriously while not taking ourselves too seriously. We are here to create a great place to live, work and grow. We promote a better quality of life for ourselves and our kids. In short, we work hard, but we have fun doing it. Our members take active roles in the issues and opportunities the Metroplex faces. We leap over hurdles and walk across fire for better business. And when it's all said and done, we enjoy the community that we've helped to create. Meetings on the second Tuesday. Go to for more info.

Prestonwood Business Networking Group - formed in January, 1993. Professionals committed to the true concept of business networking. If the first 3 rules of real estate are: location, location, and location; the first 3 rules of Prestonwood Business Networking would be: give first, give first, and give first. The long term vision of the membership process has always been: find individuals that establish a proven track record of being: 1. a strong professional in his/her given discipline; 2. a person who genuinely enjoys helping others, and seeks out opportunities to do so; 3. one who desires to commit to attend meetings, bring guests to those meetings, meet with others for 1:1 conferences; and give referrals. The consequence of combining those attributes in its membership would be the creation, and the maintenance of a dynamic organization that would ultimately be sought out by a wide range of outstanding professionals. Today, that vision has grown to a membership base of over 40 professionals, and average weekly meeting attendance in excess of 70 individuals. Frequently, the group will express over 300 "Thank You's" for referrals given or benefits exchanged per week. Meets weekly on Tuesday from 11:30am to 1pm. For information on how you can become a part of this dynamic group, drop us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Visit the website at 

Professional Referrals of Dallas- meets weekly on Thursdays at 7:30am at Lincoln City Club, LBJ Freeway and Dallas North Tollway, Dallas, TX  Contact Fred Badyna, 972-980-9660x232.

• Referrals Unlimited Network Group- several meetings around town

  • meets weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30am at Prestonwood Country Club, 6600 Columbine Way, Plano, TX. For more info contact Jeff Waldman 972-365-8337
  • meets first Tuesday of each month at 7:30am - LaMadeleine, 5290 Belt Line Road, Addison, TX. Contact Teresa Lynch 817-291-8366

• Results - a business referral group. Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 8am. Jason's Deli, 8520 Highway 121, Frisco, TX. Contact Donna Kramer 972-355-6688

• Richardson Chamber of Commerce - (see above - EarlyNet) -

• Richardson Plano Professional Networking -RPPN is a varied group of professionals from the Richardson-Plano area, representing many different backgrounds and disciplines. Our goal, however, is the same: To make each other more successful through strong personal relationships and referrals. Our meetings offer members the opportunity to build valuable business relationships and exchange information on the type of referral that they are looking for. Meets weekly on Tuesdays at 11:30am at Casa Milagro, 1403 E. Campbell Road, Richardson, TX  Visit

• Success North Dallas - Success North Dallas originated in 1988 in Dallas, Texas as a breakfast gathering of fourteen select individuals, each of whom embraced Bill Wallace’s idea of meeting monthly to serve as an Informal Board of Directors/Mentor Group for each other’s respective businesses.

• Toastmasters of Dallas and surrounding areas - With more than 142 Texas clubs from Killeen to the Oklahoma border, and Abilene to Dallas, we are sure to have a Toastmasters Club that fits your schedule and location. There are two districts in the DFW area. District 25 and 50. Take some time to explore what each Toastmaster district has to offer. For District 25 call 214-324-2301 or visit For District 50 call 1-888-948-4440 or visit .

• The Transportation Club of Dallas/Ft. Worth - has served the Dallas business community since 1953. The club promotes the transportation industry within the community and fosters relationships and networking among those involved in the industry. Monthly meetings (second Mondays at 11:15am), for more info go to

• The Women's Council of Dallas County seeks to improve our community by identifying critical issues, educating the community, advocating change and promoting action. Organized May 4, 1954, the Women's Council of Dallas County Texas, Inc. is a voluntary, non-partisan, non-profit organization composed of diverse members and member organizations.

Uptown Networking Group- meets weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30am at La Madeline, 3906 Lemmon Ave, Dallas, TX  Contact Steve Phelps 214-737-0880 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wealth Building Professionals- meets weekly on Tuesdays at 6:30pm at Providence Towers, North Dallas Parkway at Spring Valley Road, Dallas, TX  Contact Rhonda Shirley 972-934-6246 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.