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When you land that next great opportunity, please think about sending CareerDFW a donation so we can continue to keep this website going.

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 Giving you the tools you need to land your next great opportunity™.

This is the one website to visit, for the unemployed or under-employed, so you can find everything and anything to help you, the job seeker, with your career search that will result in employment.

Did you know?... is a Non-Profit Public Charity. survives on donations from people like you. Help to continue to help you and others... click here for more info 

  Career Tip-of-the-Week  NEW this week!

If no tip is visable, please click here.

 Cllick on any of the tabs above or the links below to get started. 

  • Calendars - Find out what is going on in the DFW area
  • Groups - Find a career group in the DFW area
  • Resources
    • Career Files - This tab has 100's of files with what CareerDFW thinks is the BEST information that you may need for your job search.
      • What do I do now…I just got laid off
      • Cover Letters, Business Cards, Resumes and more
      • What to do before, during and after the interview
      • Everything you need to know about Networking
      • Everything you need to know about Recruiters
      • And much, much more
    • Books About Your Career  – We take a look at career books that other people (just like you) have recommended and written a short review.
    • Websites – websites broken down in categories such as
      • Spider Sites that scour the web and return jobs that have your key words.
      • Megasite Job Boards – Monster, CareerBuilder, Yahoo Jobs, etc.
      • Job Boards listed by profession
      • Job Boards from the DFW area
      • Salary Sites
      • Networking Sites
      • Entrepreneurial Websites
      • And many many more
  • Career Tip of the Week - Check here each week for a new career tip for your job search.
  • NEW Jobs Board - check out jobs posted by employers and other job seekers like you. They are NEW, because jobs only stay posted for 21 days.
  • Humor - You gotta laugh...looking for a job is hard work.
  • About Us – Our Mission Statement, Our Goal, Our history, How to Contact Us, How to make a donation, Press Releases, Read about us in the news.